Week #1 – Reading Rainbow

A book a day is pushing it, don’t you think? How about one good long novel this week, or two shorties?

Alright! Today, I officially start my 52 week challenge. Since it’s the first week, I decided to cheat a bit and choose my own challenge instead of drawing at random. I used to be a voracious reader when I was younger, but taking an average of 18 hours per semester for the past 3 years has negatively impacted my ability to read as much as I’d like. So I decided to go back to my bookworm roots.

Reading a book is easy. Choosing one (just one!!!) to read…not so much.

After having a casual debate, via facebook, with my friend DannyD about this project, I remembered a book that he suggested to me: The Time Traveler’s Wife.

“Brilliant!” I thought. “I’ve been meaning to read this book for almost two years now. What a great start!”

Alas, the county library system’s limited selection thwarted my plans. Blast. I thought about hitting up Borders or Barnes & Nobles, but here’s a new rule to add to the rules list:

Don’t spend pantsloads of money.

So now I’ve got to achieve maximum happiness while spending minimum amounts of money. No sweat. My middle name is frugal.

I could order off Amazon or do an interlibrary loan, but I’ve only got a week to do this. It probably wouldn’t take that long, but I want to get this puppy going!

So tomorrow, I’m going to try to find my library card and either hope that I recall some other books on my dated, long-lost to-read list, or just wander around until I find something good.

Clearly, I haven’t thought this cunning plan all the way through. At least I’m not as bad as this lady. (P.S. I am strangely attracted to that smarmy young man, even though he looks like the lovechild of James Spader and Johnathan Brandis).

Okay. Tomorrow: library. book. read. good. Also tomorrow: learn to sew, finally! My friend’s mother has offered to help me learn how to tame the beast that is my sewing machine (named Craig, since I found it on the blessed creation that is Craigslist). The only thing I’ve ever sewn in my life was a misshapen windsock in 6th grade Home Ec class. To say my skills are a bit rusty is an understatement. That’s all I’ve got!


2 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    b-dizzle said,

    the smarmy strikes of summer. i meant to ask you about this challenge yesterday but forgot. let me know how week 1 goes.

  2. 2

    Chris said,

    Hey there, this is Chris from An alternative to slitting your wrist. On behalf of owen and myself, we would like to wish you the best of luck. May you succeed in all that you do, and by the end I hope you won’t need a list anymore but just feel inspired to continually try something new each week. Take care and the best of luck.

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